Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Second North Sydney Masters Christmas in July Party

There's clearly a trend towards funky, funny and very weird gifts in the Kris Kringle gift exchange at the North Sydney Master's Christmas in July party.

Check out last year's blog when the gifts included moustaches and nipple warmers.

Well this year, gifts included a sexy Mrs. Claus outfit, a banana holder so your banana doesn't get crushed in the lunchbox (although when wrapped it looked like something else) and budgie smugglers.

While I learned early on that "budgie smugglers" are what I would refer to as Speedos, I never really knew why they were called that. But as you'll here in this Flip Video it's an Aussie term to describe what looks like a bloke trying to smuggle a bugie (bird) through border security down his shorts. For those of you who are frequent readers of my blog and my frustrations and obsession with Border Security (both the TV show and the process) you'll appreciate it when I say that there's no way Australia Border Security would ever let this through but it is funny that Aussie's have come up with a term alluding to the fact it might!

Here's a photo of budgies:

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