Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Border Security Australia: Case of the Toothpaste Tubes

I'm so excited to have my parents visiting me again this year. And what a trip it was! They departed Chicago, Illinois on Thursday, Nov. 4, arrived in San Francisco, California and then connected to a plane in LA. That's when they learned that due to recent issues with the A380 Qantas Planes they were bumped from their flight from LA-Sydney.

After a frustrating day spent going back and forth between the hotel, LA Japantown and the airport on Sunday they were booked onto a flight from LA-Auckland, New Zealand and then a connecting flight finally to Sydney.

They finally arrived today, Monday, Nov. 8 into Sydney. And when we arrived back at my place, I heard about how customs seemed to have a heightened interest in the 5 tubes of Aquafresh toothpaste my parents were bringing me over from the US (it's been my favorite toothpaste for years and for the life of me I can't find it here in Sydney).

Here's the FlipVideo with my Mom's discovery of Border Security's interest in my toothpaste:

Note: With all of my "Border Security Australia" experiences, I've hooked my Mom on the reality TV series which you can believe we'll be watching while they are here.

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