Monday, January 28, 2013

Things to be Thankful For: A Great Dive Buddy

Jackie and I met on the Montague Island dive trip earlier in the month and decided to do a dive locally with Pro Dive in the Sydney-area (Oct. 21, 2012).

On our first dive we were buddied up and cruising along until one of the other dive buddy groups was low on air so the dive instructor was taking them back to the boat. We still had a good amount of air so were re-grouped with another fellow named Aaron and told we could keep going along a bit further before heading back to the boat.

Now, Aaron did just about everything you'd find in the worst of dive buddies. He pulled on the tail of a port jackson shark (Jackie was closest and called him on this immediately), his buoyancy was terrible so he's kicking the reef and messing up with the visibility with the sand from the bottom. Oh and he surfaces and heads back to the boat without letting his buddy team know in advance. Unbelievable!
He was like a little kid with ADD darting here and there looking at things, picking things up and basically not having any regard for keeping track of his buddy team.  We kept track of him as it was the right thing to do (surfacing twice, finding out he was already back on the boat), but it ruined our enjoyment of the dives.

It really makes you appreciate the value of having a great dive buddy.

Dives #162 and 163
Flagstaff and Chowder Bay

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