Saturday, August 1, 2009

Potts Point Farmer's Market

Right on the water in Pyrmont, there's this beautiful restaurant called Sugaroom where Peter Taylor from Telstra and I enjoyed lunch out on the patio.

Over lunch I learned that Peter not only works out at the same health club - Fitness First - but he's also the technology gadget guy for Fitness First's print magazine. He kept raving about this amazing "Body Attack" fitness class at the Kings Cross Fitness First so I decided to check it out.

It was the most intense fitness class ever! The best way to describe it is like a scene from Flashdance where the whole dance troupe is leaping, running and sashaying every which way around this gigantic room in pretty good coordination. Which is pretty amazing considering there were about 50 people in the class (I kid you not). Then you have me, trying not to get run over or crash into all of these super fit club members who clearly know the routine by heart (for my Decathlon Club friends, when I say it's like going to Lori's class for the first time, you'll know exactly what I mean).

Totally exhausted half-way through the class, I tried to have a zen moment by focusing on the beautiful view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House which I could see from the class room window, but quickly realized that was putting myself in further jeopardy of getting trampled on...

After "Body Attack" class, I had a banana and Nutella crepe at Potts Point Farmers Market (yes, I know, not the healthiest choice after a work out but I felt I deserved it). It was made by this French lady and it tasted just like the crepes I remember from Paris!

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