Monday, March 28, 2011

Baby Buzzerina: Space ships and Calculus

Nadia and I hosted Lisa's baby shower on March 12 and in the invite there was only a one "request" and that was no pink (red was acceptable).

Yes, Baby Calypso Susan's Mom has "out of this world" aspirations for her and they include learning multiple languages (Chinese and French), being smart in maths (as one of her honorary Auntie's my responsibility is to teach her algebra and calculus by age 3), eating rice (oops, that's actually Auntie Nadia's wish for Baby Calypso) and traveling into outer space like Buzz Aldrin (this is where I'd insert the photo of Lisa and Buzz Aldrin).

Among the games I planned for the baby shower, one included a "Space Quiz'. And did you know that Buzz Aldrin's mother's maiden name was Moon? This was one of the quiz questions...

Without knowing this, Lisa's cleverly incorporated a space theme into her daughter's name - Calpyso means "moon of Saturn". Maybe this'll mean a spaceship flight to Saturn for Calypso some day...

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