Saturday, December 19, 2009

More visitors to Sydney!

My Cisco PR colleague Ed and his partner Eamon arrived in Sydney on Dec. 4 and stayed in my guest bed room as they explored Sydney - largely by foot. They must have walked 10-15 miles every day from as far east as Bondi Beach, to Manly Beach and even out to Glebe!

I also learned that they're big fans of Muriel's Wedding which I had never seen before until they got me the DVD to watch. Did I mention that after watching the movie there was renewed interest in finding out where the video shop and dry cleaners that Muriel and her friend worked were along Oxford Street? Well if you're friends with Ed on Facebook you'll see that they did eventually locate the place and while the dry cleaners still remains, the video shop is an empty store.

And I don't know why the video shop went out of business but it's certainly not because online DVD rentals is a booming business here in Sydney. In fact I think something like Netflicks or Blockbuster Online would do very well here. Instead, I goto Red Room DVD store where you swipe your card at this kiosk, choose a DVD (the selection is not great at all), then go to another machine and swipe your card again and out pops the DVD. For a new release rental for one night it costs $4.95 and if you don't return it the next day, it'll cost you another $4.50. I got quite a shock when I returned two new release DVDs on the second day and got charged $18. Yikes! Let's just say that I'm limiting myself to the older DVDs where you can keep them for one week for $3.65.

The first night Ed and Eamon arrived we checked out the Text 100 party (they are our agency at corporate and for APAC regional) at the Opera Bar right next to the Sydney Opera House and amazingly there were fireworks that evening! It gave me a glimpse into what New Year's must be like. Then we met up with two of their friends and hit the clubbing scene.

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