Saturday, April 10, 2010

Archibald Finalists at the Art Museume of NSW

My friend had submitted her painting for consideration for The Archibald Prize which is one of Australia's oldest and most prestigious art awards. What's unique about The Archibald is that it's all portrait paintings.

The finalists were being shown at The Art Museum of New South Wales. My favorite was of the director of the Australian film Samson and Delilah (which won best foreign film at the Cannes Film Festival) and it was called "The prince of darkness - Warwick Thornton". The artist had taken the director's technique of using light in the movie (e.g., bright lights to show the heat and stark despair of the situation) and the dark (when the characters are in the hut, living under the bridge) and represented that by lighting up the portrait from behind with a light board. You saw dark and light of the portraiture and it was a very, very cool effect.

Afterwards I went to the pier in Woolloomooloo (aka "the loo") for dinner.

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