Sunday, February 14, 2010

Finally, I jump in and do an Ocean Swim in Australia!

One of my New Year's resolutions was to get fit again. Before I moved to Australia, I was in the best shape ever as I'd been training for a 2.4 mile swim as part of an Ironman Triathlon Relay Team. Since moving to Australia though, I've gained a bit of weight (all the drinking and going out to socialize) and have not worked out very regularly.

But with the start of 2010, I've reinvigorated my fitness routine. And part of this involved signing up for an ocean water swim.

Today I did a 1K (.62 miles) swim at the North Bondi Classic although race organisers later reported it was more like a 1.5K (.93 miles). I did the shorter distance more as a confidence booster, next time I'll definitely increase the distance.

I'm pleased with my swim time, I did it in 24:51 and I was 18th in my female age group (34-39) which had 39 people so I was in the top 50%.

It was overcast and with the exception of the rough waves at the start and finish, the water was pretty flat. I enjoyed swimming in Bondi much more than I did Santa Cruz because the water was incredibly clear (visibility was 30 ft) and there was no seaweed or gunk in the water. Oh and the water was pretty warm too considering the sun was not out!

Near the end of the Flip Video you'll see that many swimmers ran along the beach to the very end before entering the water, to catch the riptide out to the first buoy which I at first thought was quite strategic thinking. Yet upon watching a few different groups I don't think there was much advantage as those that jumped directly in pretty closely converged at the same place as the riptide-advantage seekers, although the latter may have expended less effort swimming.

There were a number of us from North Sydney Masters swimming - some did the 1K only, 2K only and a few did both!

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